Christian Life: Keep Going

A line of wind up walking toys.

Keep Going - even when it's hard!

What you will need:

  • Any kind of wind up toy. (You can buy them fairly cheaply online).
  • If you can't find one, you can use this video instead.
A wind up toy that looks like a rabbit.

Helpful to Know:

If you ask a Christian of any age if they find it easy to keep following Jesus, many will say no.

They will often find it hard for lots of different reasons.

Some even give up.

Theo the Pink platypus puppet. He  has some glasses perched on his beak and is looking at an accessible bible.

What the Bible Says:

Let your eyes look straight ahead. Keep looking right in front of you.

Think carefully about the paths that your feet walk on.

Always choose the right ways.

From: Proverbs Chapter 4 verses 25-26

Some Questions:

  • Do you get tired when walking somewhere?
  • And do you get slower and slower before stopping?

Maybe you become grumpy and complain that you can’t walk a step further!

A child in a stripy t-shirt. He is holding a piece of paper over his face. On the paper is a drawing of a grumpy face.

It’s a bit like watching a wind up walking toy.

It walks for a while, gets slower and then stops.

It needs winding up again to keep going!

Have a play with a wind up toy and watch it slow down and stop. (We could only find Christmas ones! But that's OK 😁)

Sometimes it can be like this when you’re a Christian.

It can be hard to keep following Jesus.

Sometimes we slow down and want to give up.

Sometimes we stop.

Theo the Pink platypus puppet looking at some wind up, walking toys.


  • What can make it hard to be a Christian?
  • Have a chat with the people you’re with and see what they find hard about being a Christian.
  • Maybe some of them are stopping because they can’t see the point of carrying on.
  • Be brave and tell them what you find hard.

Wind up your toy and set it walking.

  • Think about what you and others said.
  • Pray that you and your friends would keep following Jesus, even when it’s hard.
  • Pray that you will all want to keep following Jesus, no matter how you all feel.
A wind up toy that looks like a snowman.

Here's a great song from Steve Morgan-Gurr (Part of Team Platypus) about keeping on walking with Jesus.

It's very short!

You can make up some actions to it if you want to.

©2023. Kay Morgan-Gurr. Pondering Platypus Resources. Please credit when using this activity in a church/organisational setting.

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