Marble Prayer

 A row of colourful marbles

From the Bible:

In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.

From Matthew chapter 5 verse 16

A marble prayer: Showing God in your life.

When we follow Jesus, His love should shine through all we do.

Today we are praying that we can show His love.

Find a marble, one with a ribbon of colours going through the middle like the picture.

Keep it by your bed, where you have breakfast – or anywhere you will see it in a morning. That's because this would be a great daily prayer!

Pray as you hold the marble and look at the colours: (If you don't have a marble, use the picture instead)

“Thankyou God for a new day, full of colour and life.

I pray that today I would be courageous in the way I think and act, so that I can show Jesus is in my life, clear and bright like the colours in this marble”.


A giant marble with a two tone ribbon running through it. Someone is holding it between their thumb and forefinger

©2023. Kay Morgan-Gurr. Pondering Platypus Resources. Please credit when using this activity in a church/organisational setting.

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