Thankful Prayer - Lego

Three lego base boards with lego on them. They look like pictures. There is also a basic lego house. All the items are represented and described individually in pictures within the page.

Thankful Prayers with Lego

You will need:

Lego, duplo or similar.

A base board would be useful,

but don’t worry if you don’t have one.

From the Bible:

Lord, I will give thanks to you with all my heart.

I will tell about all the wonderful things you have done.

Psalm 9 Verse 1

a pile of lego shaped as a Christian cross.

Did you know you can pray with lego?

You can!
We are going to give you four ways to say thank you to God with Lego.

You could even mix them up if you want to!

There are no rules, other than making sure you remember to pray!

Think about which things you want to say thank you for today.

  • Something that has happened?
  • Something you have eaten or drunk?
  • Maybe a person or animal?
  • Anything else?

One way to pray with lego is to build something that you’re thankful for.

We built a house because we are thankful for having somewhere to live. (Where we live doesn’t look like the model and yours doesn’t have to either!)

Theo, the pink platypus puppet. He has a small lego built house next to him. The house has a lego person in the doorway.

If you don’t like building models, why not do a lego picture of what you’re thankful for? 

We did a flower! 

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look very much like what you’re thankful for – God will know and understand what you are building.

Theo the pink platypus puppet. He is holding a lego baseboard with a lego built flat flower picture on it.

If you like to line things up, because that is something that helps you to think – you can do that too!

You could just think of the thing you are most thankful for as you you line up the bricks. 

Or, you could think of something you are thankful for that is the same colour as the brick you are lining up.

(You don't need a lego base board for this - you can line them on on the table, floor or anything else).

Theo the pink platypus puppet holding a lego base board. There is a downward line of different coloured lego on each side.

Maybe you like making patterns.

Use one of the bases to make a mosaic pattern with the lego.

What colour are the things you are thankful for today – use those colours to make the pattern.

Or, think of something you are thankful for that is the same colour as the brick you are putting into the pattern.

Theo the pink platypus puppet. He is holding a Lego base board with a mosaic pattern built with different coloured bricks on it.

Say your thankful prayers as you build, line up or create patterns. Tell God why you’re thankful for those things too. He knows why, but He loves to hear you tell Him.

Ponder Some More:

  • There will be people who don’t have what you are thankful for.
  • Think about them as you pray. Ask God to to help them.

©2023. Kay Morgan-Gurr. Pondering Platypus Resources. Please credit when using this activity in a church/organisational setting.

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