Sorry Arrow

The word sorry with letters that look like they're made with wood

Saying sorry to God for doing things that make Him sad.

You Will Need:

Some dark coloured construction/sugar paper,

some chalk & an eraser

Some dark coloured paper, a stick of chalk and an eraser.

What the Bible says:

You will find peace and rest when you turn away from your sins and depend on me.
You will receive the strength you need when you stay calm and trust in me.

Isaiah Chapter 30 verse 15

An arrow that is curled round with the arrow point in the center. The words around the edge read


God wants us to say sorry for all the wrong things we do.

What we mean by that is: all those things we do deliberately that make God sad. Things like being rude, telling lies, not sharing or taking something that isn’t ours.

The Bible calls this Sin.

Two colourful stick man style children fighting over a teddy bear.

A Note Before You Carry On: A lot of the behaviour we call naughty isn't deliberate nautiness.
Many children with additional needs may respond in a way they can’t help because there’s too much sensory input, stress or they need a safe place to regulate and calm down.

When we talk about sin- we are not talking about this.

If this is you, God understands why it happens and loves you.

Ponder some more:

Sometimes it’s really clear when we’ve done something wrong.

Sometimes it isn’t. 

Such as not doing anything when we saw someone

needed help. 

Or, it can be making something else more important

than God.

When we say sorry and mean it, God promises to forgive.

He makes a choice not to remember it ever again! 

What would you like to say sorry for today? (You don’t have to say it out loud!)


Use the chalk to scribble on the paper.
Make it look really messy!

As you scribble, ask God to remind you what you need to say sorry for.

As you remember those things, say sorry to God.

A dark coloured piece of paper with chalk scribble on it.

Then, to remember that God forgives and makes a choice to not remember this sin any more, rub out the chalk with the eraser.

As you do this, say thank you to God for forgiving you.

A dark coloured piece of paper with some white scribble on it. Half of it has been rubbed out with the eraser.

An extra thing to ponder if you have time:

You will notice there is still a residue of the chalk on the paper. This could represent the fact there will still be consequences of what we have done.

For example If we've been horrible to a friend, they may not want to be friends with us anymore - so we will need to say sorry to them.

Or maybe, our grown ups at home will still want to set a punishment such as no iPad or sweets for a few days!

Good to know:

I have had some comments on the use of black paper and white chalk for this activity – as to whether it is racist.

In this instance, having dark paper is immaterial in the outworking of this activity – you can just see everything better. Plus, 'sin' is represented by the chalk, not the Paper.

White on black is also the national standard for accessibility for those with a visual impairment – and I do my best to design everything to be as accessible as possible.

Copyright ©2003 Pondering Platypus Resources (Previously Oriana Training & Resources).
If used in a church setting, please attribute to Pondering Platypus Resources.

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