Safeguarding Statement

I strongly believe in accountability and safeguarding.

I seek to be open, transparent and fully accountable, making sure that there are many lines of reporting for anyone who has concerns about the work I do.

I am accountable to:

  • My Council of Reference: (The link between Children Worldwide & my Church) Ruth Dunning (Chair), Kathryn Parker, Jon and Rachel Barrett and Ruth Crook.
  • The Leadership of my ‘sending’ church where I am a mission Partner. (Knighton Free Church, Leicester).
    My link to the Leadership team is Jon Barrett.
  • The Trustees of Family Foundations Trust (Via Children Worldwide)

If you have any concerns:

You can contact the church by clicking here, and then selecting 'safeguarding' from the drop down menu. The email goes directly to the church's safeguarding lead, so you can either just speak with them, or you can ask to be put in touch with Ruth Dunning or Jon Barrett.

You can contact Children Worldwide via their website contact page here and ask to speak to either Dave Gidney or Sarah Covington.

If you prefer, you can go to the trustees of Family Foundations trust here, and put 'safeguarding' in the subject menu to be put directly in touch with the safeguarding lead.

Other organisations:

I work alongside many organisations who have their own safeguarding policies, and have raised the appropriate DBS checks for the work I do.  When working with them, I work with their comprehensive policies.

There are only two where I have contact with vulnerable adults and children:

If you have concerns about the work I do for Spring Harvest, feel free to contact their safeguarding team. You can find their Safeguarding Policy here

If you have concerns about the work I do for Keswick Ministries, feel free to contact their safeguarding team. You can find their Safeguarding team here

Additional Needs Alliance:

The Additional Needs Alliance is not technically an organisation and exists only in the digital world. Regardless of this, we will have a safeguarding statement with information for the Facebook group very soon.

Those of us working with the name 'Additional Needs Alliance' will also be working with our own organisations at the same time - usually in partnership.

For me, I will either be working as Pondering Platypus Training and Resources and as such - accountable to my church as a mission partner.

Or, I will be working under the umbrella of Children Worldwide and as such - accountable to their steering group and the trustees of the charity of which they are a part; Family Foundations Trust.

The Additional Needs Alliance is also a member of 
Christian Safeguarding Services.

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