Emotions: Anger

A line of pop up toys with different emoji style faces.

Popping Prayers:
Dealing with the anger monster

You Will Need:

A pop up toy – like the monster ones in the picture, or if you don't like monsters - try ones like the banner picture above.

If you don’t like things that move suddenly and without warning, or don’t have these, you can do this prayer by flicking or plucking an elastic band, hair tie/scrunchy or stretchy toy.

Theo the pink platypus puppet with reading glasses perched on his beak.
He's looking at a Biblica accessible Bible.

From The Bible:

Scripture says, “When you are angry, do not sin.”

Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

From Ephesians chapter 3 verse 26 (NIrV)


What makes you angry?
Have a chat with your grownups about that.

Do you get angry quickly and ‘explode’ like the pop up toy or a flicked elastic band, or does it take a while – slowly building up before you get really cross?

Sometimes if we’re worried, feeling poorly or a little stressed, we can start getting angry more quickly. At those times it could take only one small and silly thing to make our anger explode.

Some people get angry in a quieter way and struggle to speak to people they would normally talk to.


1. If you’re using a pop up toy:

  • Set the toy ready to pop and think about when you lose your temper.
  • As you wait for it to pop, say sorry to God about losing your temper, and ask Him to help you find different ways to calm down and not get really angry.
  • After it's popped, pray for those people who have been upset because you got angry
Four pop up toys that look like monsters

2. If you’re using an elastic band, hair tie or scrunchy:

  • Stretch the band a few times (Don’t let go yet!)
  • As you do this think about the times you lose your temper.
  • Stretch it a bit more and say sorry to God about losing
  • your temper. Ask God to help you find different ways
  • to calm down and not get angry
  • Aim the band at the ceiling (not at people) – stretch it and let go! Now pray for those people who have been upset because you got angry.
An elastic band being stretched ready to fire it across a room.

3. If you prefer something more predictable: 

Just pluck the band whilst it is stretched over your fingers.

You could also stretch it over something and twang it.

A cup with an elastic band around it from top to bottom. A finger is plucking the band. Anno the small pink platypus is next to the cup.

For Children/Family Workers:

You can also do this with bendy stretchy toys like the ones in the picture. Just do the stretch and flick steps of praying in the same way you can with the elastic band!

Fun hint – If you warm them up in your hand, not only do they stretch better, but if you have polystyrene ceiling tiles, the toy will often temporarily stick on them. if you can do this, you can add an extra dimension to the prayer about ‘coming down again’.

Small, yellow, smiley stretchy rubber men.

©2023. Kay Morgan-Gurr. Pondering Platypus Resources. Please credit when using this activity in a church/organisational setting.

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