Prayers on the Run

Children running across a grassy field.

This section is being populated when we have time. For more of these activities, go to Pondering

Platypus Resources

Prayers On The Run!

I've thought long and hard about what to call these prayers!

They're not just for children - they can be for any age, even if you're over 100!

Some of us find prayer hard because our brains are always on the go - much like our bodies. We are not designed to sit still, we need an object or a task to focus on that can keep our minds in the moment enough to pray.

Some of us have foggy brains - some times to the point of what we at Pondering Platypus Resources call 'Porridge Brain' (especially Kay!). We need something our brains can cope with - simple in structure, maybe with the prayer written out.

There are many others that would find these ideas helpful, sometimes just for a short while. Maybe those going through bereavement, struggling with anxiety or depression, in fact, anyone going through a dark time.

We think they might even be useful for people who have dementia, although we don't know anyone with dementia who has tried them. We'd love to hear feedback if you have tried them with loved ones who have dementia.

Everything in the main 'The Prayers' section may work for you too if you have a little more time. Just use the pondering section in a way that works for how your brain has been created.

To find the 'Prayers on the Run', just hover your cursor over the title in the menu, and you will see a drop down menu with what we have. More will come over time, but the ones there should help you start.

As you get to know the prayers and use them, have a box or basket with the objects in it. Keep it somewhere you can see it and use whichever one you think is right for the day.

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