Listen Arrow

The word Listen that looks as though it has been clumsily painted with water colours.

Listening to what God has to say to us

From the Bible

“I will listen to what God the Lord says. He promises peace to his faithful people.”
Psalm 85:8 (NIRV)

A cartoon of Albert with four different coloured arrows pointing towards him.
He has his hands cupped behind his ears to show he's listening.


Talking to God is great!

As you look through all of Albert's prayer arrows, you can see how many ways we can do that; saying thankyou, praising God and much more!

But, we need to listen too.

There's lots of ways to listen and hear what God has to say; reading or listening to our Bibles, songs - listening or singing them, thinking about what we have heard or learnt.

It could be asking God a question and doing something that helps us listen for an answer.

Ponder some more:

You might be thinking: "What does hearing God look or sound like?"

Some people feel they heard an actual voice, not a loud one - but a quiet one. But not many people do. 

A few people find God talks to them in their dreams - this is often people who don't know about Jesus and live somewhere where there's not many people who love Jesus. You might want to talk to your grown ups about that.

Most people have a moment of suddenly understanding something more about God.

It could happen when you are deliberately listening, it might be as you walk somewhere, sit on a bus, or when you’re just playing.

Some grownups listen best when they're in the bathroom - just because it's the only quiet place in the house!

It doesn't have to be a set time or place.

A colourful stick man style picture of a child  sitting at a desk and drawing a picture.

Whatever you hear from God - it will always agree with what is written in the Bible.

Here's a very silly example of that: If you feel God told you to steal someones bike - then that wasn't God, because the Bible tells us that God says stealing is wrong.

It's always good to check out what you think God said to you with another Christian.

Use Your Ears to Pray By Listening

Never do this with an empty mind - fill it with something about God first; a song about God, a verse from the bible, a story from the bible. 

This is what you will think about....or ponder.

What helps you to listen best?

  • A fiddle toy?
  • Drawing?
  • Walking or running?
  • Watching something like a glitter tube?
  • Something else?

Find that thing and get ready to do it!

A colourful stickman style cartoon on a child. He has his hands behind his ears to show he's listening.

Ask God to speak to you as you fiddle, draw or watch.

You may not hear anything, and that's ok - but it's been good to ponder things about God.

But He might speak to you at a different time!

Copyright ©2003 Pondering Platypus Resources (Previously Oriana Training & Resources).
If used in a church setting, please attribute to Pondering Platypus Resources.

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