Use What I Can Do - Prayer Arrow

Text that looks like baked cookies. Text reads

Showing Jesus to people in how we speak and what we do. 

You will need:

Fun Snaps. You throw these on the ground and they make a bang!

You can buy them here.

Of course, these come with a health and safety warning and you will need to risk assess the activity.

An alternative:

If you'd rather not use these because some children dislike the sudden noise and smell, this activity can be done just with a single hand clap with everyone doing it at the same time.

Or try messing about with any sound that is louder with more people working together.

From the Bible:

Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Speak up for the rights of all those who are poor.

Speak up and judge fairly. Speak up for the rights of those who are poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9

You don’t have to be a grown up for God to use what you can do. You can be any age!

He can use disabled people and autistic people of any age, anyone with a learning disability, anyone who is anxious. - In fact, He can use anyone regardless of ability.

You’re never too old either.

God want us all to be willing to good stuff in our world.


The place to start is where you are.

That might be at home, at school, when you're out and about, or just noticing things when out with your grownups.

How could God use your gifts in those places? 

Think about those you know and where you live, because getting to know people better can be a good first step.

For example; do you know someone with no friends or struggles to make friends?

Could you be a friend? 

A colourful stick man style cartoon of a child holding the earth.

The possibilities are endless – so we’re going to ask God what He thinks we can do!


(Warning – use snaps with adult supervision only. Don’t unwrap and always throw into a tray on the floor, not directly on the floor....unless you're outside!)

Even the small things we do for God can make a huge difference, and when lots of Christians are doing good things for God, it’s like an explosion of Gods love.

Ask God to show you where you can make a difference – and be that ‘explosion of love’.

As your 'amen', throw one of the snaps into the tray so it makes a bang.
The more people who thrown them at the same time, the bigger the bang.


If some of your children find any loud noises really uncomfortable, use a zip to present a similar theme, such as: "Help me to show Your love today and help people to be closer to Jesus" - like doing up a zip brings two sides together.

Theo the Pondering Platypus with a zip sitting on his beak

Copyright ©2003 Pondering Platypus Resources (Previously Oriana Training & Resources).
If used in a church setting, please attribute to Pondering Platypus Resources.

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