This is another lovely guest post from the parent of a child who has additional need. This one is written for us by Kirsten Abioye.
Being the parent of a disabled child is an absolute joy, and a total privilege.
A child’s purpose is never solely to teach parents, but our son has undoubtedly taught me more than I’ve taught him; about life, privilege, faith, God.. I could go on and on. I’m so proud of him, just as I am of our other son.
The things that are hard about parenting a disabled child are not in relation to who he is, but about the world in which we live and how it disables him. (This is why advocacy is such a big part of parenting a disabled child, the world is often inaccessible and it is all too often a fight to get access and support.)
It can be very tough for many reasons, and I think one big reason is a lack of understanding. Christians can do community well, but in terms of support for families of disabled children (I can’t speak for disabled adults because I’m not one but I reckon it probably is an issue) I think we struggle.
Disability doesn’t tend to make the headlines of the church to-do list.
I read somewhere that the *highest population of unreached people is the disabled community, and while I’m not sure if that’s actually a researched statistic I can believe it to be at least somewhat true. We love to chat about mission, I can’t help but feel sad about the missed opportunities in the disabled community. One door of entry to this community is families of disabled children.
We’ve had different experiences in a variety of churches, some were really supportive and some, retrospectively, I can see made it more difficult. I’m going to share a few things I’d love folk in church to understand:
Disabled people should feel welcome, loved and valued in church- they are fearfully and wonderfully made too. My mama heart aches for people to understand this.
*A Note From Kay: The number of disabled people unreached or unconnected with the Gospel is part of some research from the Lausanne movement. The figure is 93% unreached or unconnected.
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